Camp Beaumont FLEX

flexible booking options

We understand holiday and childcare plans can change right up until the last minute which is why we offer Flex and Non-Flex booking options.

Add FLEX to your booking, for just £4 per day, and benefit from complete flexibility to amend your booking, plus a full refund in the event your child is ill and cannot attend camp.

If you have not selected to add FLEX to your booking, then our standard terms and conditions apply. Within our standard terms and conditions all bookings are non-refundable at point of booking.

View FLEX & Non-FLEX Info

FLEX and Non-FLEX Information

Purchase restrictions
Booking cancellations

Booking amendments

Illness Insurance
FREE (standard)
No refund or credit, in part or full, under any circumstances

Bookings can be changed up to 48 hours after the booking has been made, subject to availability. Booked days can only be changed once, and must remain in the same calendar year. Changes will incur a price increase if the price of the week or day moving to has increased. The customer will not be entitled to a refund if the price of the week or day moving to has decreased. No refund or credit, in part or full, under any circumstances for changes requested more than 48 hours after the booking has been made. 
£4.00 p/day
Must be added at the time of original booking
Cancel, for any reason, up to the last working day before the first day of camp in any given week and receive a refund of everything paid –excluding the ‘Flex’ charge (£4 per day)
Bookings can be changed up to the last working day before each week, subject to availability. Bookings can be amended or rescheduled on multiple occasions but must remain within the same calendar year as the original booking. Prices may have increased however the customer will not incur any additional charge (above what they originally paid)

Once a child has attended their first day in any given week, ‘Flex’ ONLY covers for illness

Can't find an answer?

We aim to respond within 3 working days of all enquiries.

"Our 5 year old can be shy and unwilling to try new things but we were delighted with how he skipped in to camp every day."

Parent, Easter Camps 2021
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