Covid Policy

Keeping everyone safe at Camp Beaumont

The safety and welfare of everyone at Camp Beaumont remains our number one priority at all times and despite the government’s relaxation of COVID restrictions we will be ensuring that the safety of everyone at camp remains at the forefront of everything we do. Our friendly and skilled teams will ensure every camp is packed with lots of laughs and fun activities, whilst effectively administering the most up-to-date health and safety guidelines.

Hygiene & Enhanced Cleaning Measures

Hand sanitiser will be accessible at each sign-in desk for every child to use when they enter and leave Camp. In addition, soap will be readily available in hand washing areas and numerous hand sanitiser stations will be accessible at locations throughout each of our camps.

Enhanced cleaning regimes implemented by our teams and host school partners to include high touch areas will be maintained.

Children & Parents

It is the responsibility of everyone to ensure that they do not attend camp if they have and/or are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19.

Masks & PPE

Parents and children are no longer required to wear a mask when attending camp. However you and/or your child may still do so if you wish.

Group sizes of up to 24 children

We are operating groups our normal group sizes of up to 24 children and 3 Group Leaders whilst maintaining our ratios of 1:8 (3-7yrs old) and 1:12 (over 8’s).


Swimming is back! We encourage parents to bring the children’s swimming kit on their child’s first day when they will be informed of the programme for their time at camp. To check if your child’s location offers swimming please visit your selected camps location page. As with all of our activities we are ensuring that the most robust safety procedures are in place as we get back on poolside.

Contactless sign in and sign out

We will be operating a contactless Check In/Out procedure, our Head Group Leaders will check your children in on your behalf but we will need to know who is collecting and for them to bring photographic ID.

Our Check In/Out areas will be strictly managed to ensure they don’t become too busy but please note it may take slightly longer to sign in than normal.

Our Teams

It is the responsibility of all employees that they do not attend camp if they have and/or are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19.

COVID Testing

Our teams will no longer be required to take a COVID Lateral Flow Test(LFT) daily in line with government guidance. We will ensure however that no team members who are presenting symptoms can attend for work.

Masks & PPE

There is no longer a requirement for anyone to wear masks when on a Camp Beaumont site in line with government guidance.However if a member of staff parent or child wishes to wear a mask then they can. For more close-contact care, including first aid, our teams have access to disposable aprons, masks and gloves.

If you have any further questions about health and safety at Camp Beaumont visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Can't find an answer?

We aim to respond within 3 working days of all enquiries.

"Our 5 year old can be shy and unwilling to try new things but we were delighted with how he skipped in to camp every day."

Parent, Easter Camps 2021
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