Why Team Building Activities Are Important For Children

July 12, 2022
Cara Sherratt

Everyone loves a team player. Someone who can grab a task by the scruff of its neck, take ownership of their own responsibilities, and work with others to achieve a set goal – whatever that may be. However, while this sense of teamwork may come naturally to some people, it can be a whole different story for others.

As such, it’s important to introduce the idea of teamwork at as young an age as possible, to help children appreciate how much more efficient working together can be, instead of taking a more single-minded approach.

Outdoor team building activities are a great way of encouraging this education. After all, having the opportunity to meet and play with others will provide a platform for children to develop the skills required to become good team players – both now and in later life.  

But, what exactly are these skills? And how can taking part in outdoor team building activities actually make a difference? Read on to find out.

Team Building Improves Problem Solving Skills

Being able to look at a problem objectively and come up with a realistic solution is an incredibly valuable trait to have. And this is, in effect, exactly what team building activities are designed to do.

Take the Movie Maker activity we use in our day camps for 8 – 11-year-olds, for instance. This activity encourages children to work together to plan out a movie, using their imagination and creativity to develop storyboards, design props and write a script before filming their work.

Each component of this task allows children to think outside the box, working together through a series of talk-and-listen planning phases to creatively 'solve' the problem at hand (i.e. developing a movie).

Team Building Encourages Leadership Skills

Nobody starts out as a natural-born leader. Instead, these skills need to be learned and continually harnessed over time. However, taking part in outdoor team building activities has been shown to aid this process.

Giving children the chance to lead others, for example, can provide them with newfound confidence in their own abilities and a platform to find their voice.

What’s more, learning leadership skills at a younger age can also help children become more successful in later life. After all, it’s the kids of today who will eventually become the leaders of tomorrow – and that comes through the activities they take part in now.

Final Thoughts

As the old phrase goes “teamwork makes the dream work.” And, here at Camp Beaumont, we realise that better than most.

It’s for this reason we shape our outdoor team building activities around the needs of children, encouraging them to break free from their shells and challenge their way of thinking, while having a ton of fun at the same time.

We also understand how important this is in light of the recent pandemic, and we have recently made it our mission to help children bounce back in the best way possible.

To find your nearest day camp, simply click here to find out more. Or, alternatively, give our team a call on 01603 851000 to book your child’s place.

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My little one had a great time at Camp Beaumont! When your 5 year old doesn't even look back when you wave them off in the morning - you know they're doing something great.

Parent, Trustpilot, 2024
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