Top 5 confidence boosting activities for children

October 9, 2021
Lynn Harvey

Confidence is a vital component of success – whether your child hopes to become the future prime minister, the next Steve Jobs or a classical ballerina. Not only are confident children more resilient but they are better able to thrive and cope with life’s challenges and ultimately, achieve their full potential.

Although we can improve our self-confidence at any age, the best time to instil confidence is during childhood. Indeed, there are many ways to lay the foundations for good self-esteem, from allowing your child to make their own decisions and take healthy risks to encouraging them to pursue their interests.

To give your child a head start in becoming a well-rounded individual with good self-esteem, below we discuss the top 5 activities you can do to boost your child’s confidence today.  


The top 5 activities to boost your child’s confidence


1.   Plan an adventure

There is no better way to increase a child’s confidence than by encouraging them to discover new places, people and potential interests. Indeed, by opening your child’s mind to new possibilities, they can not only grow in confidence as they learn to trust themselves but they can both find and nurture their interests and latent talents.  

Whether it is an unexpected trip to your local theatre or a fun-filled week at an adventure camp during their half-term or summer break, each adventure can help improve your child’s self-esteem and allow them to grow in confidence, maturity and independence.

2.   Make a list of positive affirmations

It can be easy to focus on the negatives and ignore the positive aspects of ourselves. By taking the time to sit down and write down each positive trait we possess, we can dramatically improve our self-talk and as a result our self-esteem. So, put away the modesty and allocate some time in your diary to sit down with your child and make a list of their positive traits and talents as well as daily words of encouragement and self-encouragement.

3.   Complete a goal-setting exercise

There is no better feeling than setting a goal and completing it. The sense of achievement, the boost to your self-esteem and the confidence it instils is unparalleled. Begin by grabbing a pencil, piece of paper and writing down a goal that your child is not only excited to achieve, but is within their reach and at a level that is appropriate for their ability. Remember to congratulate them when do they achieve it and most importantly, to congratulate themselves.  

4.   Create a Wall of Fame

A brilliant way to recognise and celebrate your child’s achievements is to help them create their very own ‘Wall of Fame.’ Purchase a large notice board and in either a prominent spot in your home or in their bedroom, pin up their artwork, awards and personal successes. This can provide them with a gentle daily reminder of their achievements and give them a confidence boost on particularly challenging days.  

5.   Set them age-appropriate chores

Give your child their very own household chores and responsibilities to help boost their confidence, increase their competence and feel valued. Although they may occasionally complain or whinge, insisting that they complete their chores will help them to feel more connected, and an integral part of the very best team – their family.


With nothing to lose, and so much to gain, there is no reason not to get started on these confidence-boosting activities today. Begin by booking an inspiring adventure day camp to help your child make new friends, learn new skills and increase their confidence.

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The staff are brilliant: enthusiastic, kind and engaged. The range of activities is great and the hours are really helpful for working parents. Most importantly our son always comes home happy and tired from a fun day.

Parent, Trustpilot, 2024
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