Survey results are in...

June 9, 2021
Cristina Russell

We asked parents whether their children had felt the impact of the pandemic and staying at home so much over the past year; their thoughts on day camp experiences, and what their children are looking forward to the most. Based on responses from 234 parents, here's what we found out...

Three quarters of children have said they are most looking forward to playing with their friends (74%) and going on adventures (72%). The pandemic has been particularly tough for children. In fact, almost three quarters of parents (73%) have revealed they feel like their child has missed out on some of their childhood during the pandemic – especially when it comes to playing with children their own age (77%) as well as having a stable routine (48%).

We are on hand this summer with our award winning day camps to help adventure seekers aged three-to-16 have the time of their lives, they deserve it! Our camps are an uplifting opportunity for kids to feel like kids again, a chance for them to socialise with new friends, be themselves and have fun.

Our research also revealed that 61% of parents said their children appeared to be more confident after attending camp. 77% also agreed that their child will benefit from attending day camps more than ever because of the COVID-19 restrictions imposed during the past year.   

This summer at Camp Beaumont children will get the chance to take part in a wide range of thrilling adventures that them develop new interests, boost their confidence and make lifelong friends along the way. From adventurous activities like archery, to artistic expressions in jewellery making and clay workshops and rocket building, we will continue to deliver all the fun of a multi-activity camp in a safe and controlled way.

Programmes are tailor made to each age group and days are structured around six key learning segments to ensure they get the most from their experience. These include: challenge yourself, get outdoors, get connected, get active, relax and unwind and express yourself.

Our Executive Director, Jof Gaughan, said: “For over 40 years, Camp Beaumont has been offering vital childcare solutions for busy working families as well as awesome adventures for thousands of children throughout the school holidays – and this has now become more important than ever. Our research shows that parents recognise how important day camps are in their child’s development and understand that it is so important children are given the chance to really feel like children again.

“Other reasons parents said their child would benefit from attending a day camp this year include their child being able to socialise in person with people their own age (88%), to experience new activities (73%), getting outside and in the fresh air (66%) and being able to learn collaboratively with other children (54%). These are all really important aspects of our programmes at Camp Beaumont.

“To give young people back their days playing among friends, taking part in new activities, while engaging in a programme of confidence building, inspiring, and laugh inducing activities, is critical, having gone through such a tough year.”

Check availability at a camp near you this summer here

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You’re the only camp in the area that has truly made an effort to provide a great offering during these current times. You have saved me from insanity and provided my children some normality during the summer holidays and half term.

Parent, Claremont Fan School, October 2020
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