A little different to the normal quiz, our family quiz not only tests your team’s knowledge but also their speed! This quiz can be played with loved ones via Zoom, as long as everyone promises no cheating. So… here’s how to play.
Depending on numbers, you could either play individually or in teams. Each team should have three challenges to take part in. Choose a quizmaster to read out the challenges, and you're ready to play. Challenges should be completed in the order below, with the bonus question used to pick the first team to play, who will then go on to choose who should go next, and pass the baton on.
One more thing... team members can choose who to nominate within their own teams for the challenge. May the best person/team WIN!
The staff are brilliant: enthusiastic, kind and engaged. The range of activities is great and the hours are really helpful for working parents. Most importantly our son always comes home happy and tired from a fun day.