Ghoulishly good frozen banana ghosts, creepy pineapple lanterns and monster rocks, there are so many ways to get crafty in the build up to Halloween. Make treats your kids will love, and have fun getting creative together. Here are some of our favourites:
What you’ll need: PVA glue, baking soda, green food colouring, contact solution, baby oil, bowl and spoon.
Difficulty rating = A little fiddly but easyish
What you’ll need: A pineapple, small candle, matches, a sharp knife and spoon
Difficulty rating = Difficult. These are a little harder to carve than pumpkins but look amazing!
What you’ll need: Orange balloons, a bag of rice, some green wool, a bit of glue and a black marker pen
Difficulty rating = Easy
What you’ll need: Small or large rocks and some green and orange paint (or your colour of choice) and black paint
Difficulty rating = Easy
What you’ll need: A small bowl, 200g of white chocolate, 4 medium-large ripe bananas, 85g of desiccated coconut, a handful of dark chocolate drops, baking parchment paper, a pastry brush and lolly sticks
Difficulty rating: Fairly difficult
Find the full method, as well as so many other ghoulish treats here
Looking for activities for your child to do this October-half term? Book a day or week at Camp Beaumont, there will be lots of spooky fun for your little and not-so-little ones.
The staff are brilliant: enthusiastic, kind and engaged. The range of activities is great and the hours are really helpful for working parents. Most importantly our son always comes home happy and tired from a fun day.